Kyle Nordstrom- CO-Team Lead/ Meeting Scribe
Senior in Computer Engineering graduating in May 2019. Team roles include Co-Team Lead and Meeting Scribe. Biggest Fear: losing my parents at the grocery store.
Victor Amupitan - Chief Engineer of Design
Senior in Software Engineering graduating in May 2019. My roles include architecture design, requirements implementation and design, and test design. Favorite food: Wings.
Lucas Kern - Executive Meeting Facilitator
Senior in Software Engineering graduating in May 2019. My team role is Executive Meeting Facilitator. Fun fact: I ate carrots and peanut butter and threw up later that night.
Francis San Filippo - Scrum Master
Senior in Software Engineering graduating in May 2019. Team roles include overseeing pull requests, code reviews, and weekly status reports on project development as well as API request intercepting/developing. Favorite food: pound cake.
Michielu Menning – Lead Report Manager
Senior in Software Engineering graduating in May 2019. Team roles include Lead Report Manager and OGT (Overall great teammate). Fun Fact: I eat carrots with my peanut butter.
Walter Seymour - Co-Team Lead/ Team Communications Leader
Senior in Software Engineering graduating in May 2019. Team roles include Co-Team Lead and Team Communications Lead. Fun fact: my fun facts aren't fun